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Groundwork Development

Groundwork has a strong track record in delivering pan-London programmes and working in effective and long-term partnerships with local authorities across the capital. 

Over recent years, a key cornerstone of the Groundwork London coverage strategy has been to ensure services are delivered in London’s most deprived communities and neighbourhoods.  Successful new partnerships have been forged with the London Boroughs of Lambeth, Westminster, Haringey and Wandsworth.

Coverage Strategy

In Brent, development discussions are continuing following Groundwork’s substantial contribution to activities in the South Kilburn NDC area and a number of other neighbourhood-based initiatives in the borough.

In Waltham Forest, our partnership discussions have led to a number of pilot projects, including intergenerational ‘oral history’ projects, capacity-building work with friends of parks groups and our involvement in a Routes to Employment programme for lone parents.

In Redbridge, we are currently involved in the Hainault Business Improvement District and the Roding Valley Partnership.

In more recent months, dialogue has begun with the London Borough of Sutton and Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea

In Sutton, Groundwork has been involved in a number of pilot projects, including St Helier Open Spaces, and as part of the proposed Wandle Valley Regional Park.

Whilst in Kensington & Chelsea, Groundwork has been involved in a number of creative improvement and community engagement projects along the North Kensington Canal, ‘Green Team’ employment initiatives and installation of environmental improvements to the Teverton Estate.

For further information, please contact: Linnea Ranger 020 7960 2679

Development Process

Groundwork aims to work in areas where there is greatest need, in partnership with existing organisations and initiatives.  Our effective process comprises:

We do this by conducting a brief feasibility study and consulting key stakeholders, in partnership with the local authority, over a period of 3-4 months.

Through this, and a series of pilot projects, we identify the need for our services, once the roles of other agencies and providers have been taken into account.  (The focus is always to develop Groundwork to complement existing provision, not to duplicate.)