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05 June 2006
Groundwork Today issue 39 - Local Area Agreements

Local Area Agreements (LAAs) now provide the framework for agreeing priorities between central and local government and are aimed at giving local authorities more flexibility in finding local solutions and meeting local needs. This has had a huge impact on the relationship between central and local government and the way that local authorities fund and deliver local public services.

In this issue of Groundwork Today we examine some of the issues surrounding delivering these local public services.

To download a copy of Groundwork Today, follow this link.


Notes to editors

Groundwork supports communities in need across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, working with partners to help improve the quality of people's lives, their prospects and potential and the places where they live, work and play.

Our vision is of a society of sustainable communities which are vibrant, healthy and safe, which respect the local and global environment and where individuals and enterprise prosper.

We work alongside communities, public bodies, private companies and other voluntary sector organisations to deliver projects and programmes that benefit:

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