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Partnership programmes

London Parks and Green Spaces Forum (LPGSF) - Groundwork joined forces with other green space players to devise and develop LPGSF. This group is now a key piece of voluntary sector infrastructure, which has brought together statutory and non-governmental sectors to address shared open space needs and challenges such as the London Strategic Parks Project.

Sustainable Accessible Urban Landscapes (SAUL) - This four-year, €22 million programme has worked with partners in London, Germany, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. It's aims were to strengthen economic and social cohesion across Europe by promoting transnational co-operation. The four-year project has culminated in a set of ‘Messages for Europe’, and specific recommendations for Europe’s politicians and practitioners working in the planning and regeneration sectors.

Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) - Groundwork has led a variety of pan-London programmes through 10 years of SRB work, which has focussed on issues such as, sustainable communities, training for employment and access to public transport.

For more information on some of Groundwork's current pan-London programmes, follow this link.