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Realising young people's potential

We help young people participate in a range of activities designed to bring them into contact with adults in their community and to increase their own confidence and self-esteem. Our aim is to get young people interested in the place where they live and to help them play a full and active part in society. We do this by encouraging them to take part in practical activities such as making videos about life in their neighbourhood or planning and designing their own play areas or youth shelters. Some of these activities are specifically targeted in places where there are high levels of crime as a way of harnessing young people?s energy and reducing antisocial behaviour.

Follow one of the below links to read more about the importance of young people in Groundwork's projects.

Groundwork and Young People - How Groundwork is engaging young people.

Youth Ambassadors - Groundwork is building links between young people in the UK and the Netherlands in this exchange programme.

Groundwork projects

Groundwork delivers over 1,000 projects a year under six themes across London. Below are a few examples of our 'youth' projects.

Parsloes Park, Dagenham [PDF : 216KB] - At the request of Barking and Dagenham?s Parks Department, Groundwork encouraged local young and adult residents who live, work or go to school close to Parsloes Park to participate in a series of workshops. The workshops aimed to identify what facilities would be suitable for young people in the park, the largest in the borough.