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Logo : Groundwork London


Building stronger neighbourhoods

We make a long-term commitment to supporting neighbourhoods viewed as disadvantaged and work closely alongside other organisations and existing initiatives to help improve the quality of life for people living there. We provide training and support to help people get more involved in making decisions about where they live and to understand the benefits that sustainable development can bring. We help people improve the appearance of their streets, parks and housing estates but also encourage them to lead more active lifestyles, get to know other people in their area or work with their neighbours to reduce anti-social behaviour and the fear of crime.

Follow one of the below links to read more about how Groundwork supports some of London's most deprived communities.

Groundwork and Health - How Groundwork is helping create healthy communities.

Sustainable Suburbs - Groundwork has been testing the GLA's 'Tools for Making London's Suburbs More Sustainable' Toolkit.

Groundwork projects

Groundwork delivers over 1,000 projects a year under six themes across London. Below are a few examples of our 'community' projects.

Bramcote and Bonamy Estate, Bermondsey [PDF : 258KB] - Local residents on the Bramcote and Bonamy estate in Bermondsey asked Groundwork to help them deal with some serious anti-social behaviour issues they were experiencing. Our solution involved the whole community in a series of consultations, meetings and outreach sessions and resulted in a project to refurbish a ball court and provide a children's play area and nature garden.

Stamford Hill Sculpture Trail [PDF : 376KB] - Southern Housing Group approached Groundwork in 2003. They wanted the residents of the Stamford Hill Estate to be consulted on, and then involved in, a series of environmental and landscape improvements to the estate. Groundwork took this brief, identified and accessed extra funding, and developed the initial project into a 3-year programme that involved workshops, trips, exhibitions and the creation and installation of a series of sculptures around the estate, alongside the continuing consultation process.