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Sustainable Suburbs

Groundwork London tested the 'Tools for Making London's Suburbs More Sustainable' Toolkit in 7 pilot projects across London. The Toolkit was developed by URBED, on behalf of the GLA, LDA, ALG and TfL.

To read Groundwork's report, please follow the below link.

Tomorrow's Suburbs Pilot Report [PDF : 428KB]

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Sustainable Suburbs Toolkit

As part of the preparation for the London Plan (the Mayor?s Spatial Development Strategy) the
GLA commissioned URBED to prepare a report on London?s suburbs, A City of Villages, which formed one of the Plan?s background documents. URBED was then commissioned by a consortium of the GLA, LDA, ALG and TfL to develop 'Tools for Making London?s Suburbs More Sustainable'. This Toolkit was published by the Mayor for formal consultation early in 2005.

The formal consultation and the practical testing of the Toolkit by Groundwork London helped inform the GLA's final Best Practice Guidance, 'Tomorrow's Suburbs: Tools for making London more sustainable', which was published in June 2006.

Groundwork London's Recommendations

Groundwork London's practical testing of the toolkit generated a number of recommendations from the communities involved in the 7 pilot projects.

Key recommendation

General recommendations

Tool-specific recommendations

Language, design and layout-specific recommendations

Recommendations for a wider application of the Toolkit

One of the key findings from the consultation process was that the Toolkit should be promoted as a framework that can help facilitate planning for sustainable development in London?s suburbs, for example as a:

Recommendations for a pan-London application

Consultation responses suggested that the Toolkit has got the potential to promote the importance of making London?s suburbs more sustainable on a pan-London level and to a wider audience. This could be achieved by considering the following recommendations: